“Every good delivery starts with a good demo of the products Mrs. Jones already bought.”
Step-by-Step: How to give a Great Demo! 📋
Bring the Enthusiasm
Get Everyone Involved
Unveil the Products with Excitement
Teach them How to Use their Products
Emphasize Tips on How to Use Their Products
To tack on a product, you can click “Add Order” from your ROS on your app. You can add any products there and it will attach it to their original order.
To collect payment you can click “Add Payment” and it will automatically bring up what the customer owes from their original order.
“Hi, Ethel, great to see you again! Are Johnny and Emma in? I have your books just like I promised! Can’t wait to show them to you.”
You’re no longer a stranger, but an invited guest. Your body language says “I’m coming in!” You want to be sitting down to get the kids in and demo.
“Ethel, it sure is great seeing everybody again! How was your summer? How are Johnny and Emma?
Jane Smith, and everyone (use name of appropriate purchasers) have been excited about getting their learning system. The kids have, too! You know, it makes me feel good to bring all the products back because I expect some of the people thought I might not keep my word!”
Remember, SELLING IS TRANSFERENCE OF FEELING. We want to give her a good, short re‐demo and get her re‐excited about the products and excited about her responsibility to help her children use the books. It is up to us to provide the “spark.”
Open all of the products
Show how to use the books. Be excited!
Let the kids/her find a couple of things using the index!
This completes our service and makes us dramatically different from the majority of companies. Most products are “dumped off” by UPS and not delivered by an excited, motivated, salesperson who showed the customers how to use them. Plus, Mrs. Jones is going to be much more receptive to the idea of the system if she is re‐sold on the value of what she already ordered.
Ethel, I promised I would show everyone how their Advantage Learning System works, so let’s get everybody together. I’m really looking forward to seeing everybody again. By the way, can you please grab your laptop so I can show you the online parts? I’m excited to show you how the system works!”
Use the Delivery Checklist!
Important to Note: There are families who may have started the registration process who never finished. The Global Academy is an easy tack on with the books & LEAD is a PERFECT tack on for any customer 6th grade and up!
Additional Note: A new website registration is considered a “tack on” So, you must write up a NEW order and then use that new order’s remittance # to complete the registration.
“Mrs. Jones, would you like to make sure that Billy and Emma really get a lot of use out of these? The way to ensure they use them is make sure they take about a half hour and look through these when they get home. They don’t have to read them like a novel, they can simply page through the products to see what is in them. The only reason they would not use them is if they did not know what was in the books. Will you promise me they will look at them? That’s your homework assignment! Just kidding!
Selling products during deliveries is great because everybody wins! You feel great because you add to your totals and Mrs. Jones is happy because she can shop for an early Christmas gift. There are several prospects who buy more products during deliveries: delivered customers, people you missed, people who almost bought, earlier cashouts, and referrals.
“Alright Mrs. Jones (look down at order pad), I have here that you took care of half last time I saw you which means you have a balance of ($______) dollars. How would you like to take care of that? (pause for answer) Before you write that check (or before I run your card), I wanted to show you some of the books that I forgot to show you last time (show age appropriate books).
I ordered some extras so I am having an “End of Summer Clearance Sale” because I’m don’t want to haul them back to Nashville. Some moms have been completing their systems and some have been thinking of gift ideas. I’ll take about 30 seconds and show you each of the extras and you can tell me which ones you like. Then, I’ll give you a better look at those. Like I said, a lot of families have been completing sets - that’s what Katie did. Ashley picked up some birthday and Christmas gifts for friends and family.
Give a small price buildup and a testimonial and close her. (It’s OK to give her a small discount, but this is your own decision - any discounts given are out of your profit)
Remember if you give her a discount below the wholesale price you will lose money vs. making money.
Depending on her decision above, proceed with cash collection.
“Alright, so we have your first balance of ($_____) plus ($______) for the new set you are getting, that brings your total balance to ($_______).
In talking with Ethel Enthusiastic, ask for referrals.
“Oh, one last thing. Like I said, I have some extra books with me. I know when I was here last time I didn’t get a chance to catch everyone in the community. Who do you know that might be interested? (pause for answer) Great! Thanks. Would you mind giving them a quick call to see if they’re home?”
Possibilities: 1) Relatives 2) Family & friends (church, clubs, Little League, etc.) 3) Friends of kids
Just like in selling during the summer, you must get names rolling. Then show your pictures on your iPad!
Solidification: Write up order for new products purchased on a new order form.
“Thank you for helping me pay for school. I think you guys are really going to love these!”
During deliveries, your Facebook page is less about credibility; Mrs. Jones trusts you at this point. However...
1. She can help you out with your last-call for books by encouraging her FB friends to get in touch with you before you leave town, and
2. If you stay connected with her and updated her on the usefulness of the books & websites throughout the scool year, she may continue her membership for a long time, and get the most use out of the system!
“Mrs Jones, you’re still connected to my Bookman page on Facebook, right?...”
If Yes:
“Great! I’ll be posting info about the products and program from time to time just to help all my customers get as much value as possible. I’d love to hear how your family is enjoying the books and websites, too. What do you say we post a Facebook pic with the family and your new books?
By the way, do you know of any Facebook friends nearby who would like to check this out before I head back to school? How about posting our new pic as your status update? You can tell your friends to message me if they want to see what you got; I can visit them before I head back to school at the end of the week.”
If No:
“Let’s connect really quick. Do you have the Facebook app on your phone? Let’s pull up my page.” (then same as above)
Many of your customers may have already posted or shared their pic with you at the time of their order.
If so, they’ll probably be ok with doing it again now that their books have arrived and the kids are excited.
The main idea during deliveries is for Mrs Jones to tell her friends how much she enjoyed you, how excited they are about their new books, and to invite her friends to message you before you head back to school so that they can see (buy) the books too.
Have Ms. Jones share on her page AND tag some referrals in the post! This is so much positive PR for you at the end of the summer.