Sunday Meeting #1


Focus: HABITS!! DEMOS!!!!


Demonstrations and goal periods essential for success. Consistent effort on controllable actions yields desired results.


Teach responses to objections like "I'm busy" and "Not interested" positively. Stay persistent with professionalism.

Pre-Approach and Door Demos

Use pre-approach tactics for better interactions. Practice door demos for communication skills, even with non-prospects.

"It's a Numbers Game" Video - Groom

Gain insights on persistence and working the numbers.


Improve objection handling. Enhance pre-approach and demos. Reflect on key points over lunch for better performance.

Promotion: Success Coin & Fast Start Contest

A great leader is a great promotor! Promote the Habits Checklist - this will ensure their success in winning the Success Coin & the Fast Start Contest!


Overview & Details

  1. Send out Sunday Meeting Details β˜€οΈ & All Stats Recorded Tonight! πŸ“ˆ

  2. Review Detailed Outline πŸ” & Adjust for your Org’s Situation!

    1. SL Meeting Outline

    2. FY Meeting Outline

    3. Good Business Practices (include ROS Bad Payment info)

  3. Set your Leadership Team up for Success!

  4. Plan PC Schedule πŸ‘₯

    1. Have FYs complete PC Outline

    2. Give SLs their PC Coaching Tips


Running your Organization

  1. Emphasize the Benefit of Accurate Stats - E Goal Card

  2. Emphasize Importance of Marrying Your Turf!

  3. OL Sunday Checklist βœ” (need links for all)

  4. CFO πŸ’Έ - $ Tracker / + & -

  5. COO πŸ“ˆ

  6. CMO πŸ“±

  7. Supplies πŸ“š - Inventory Tracker (Want to have an explanation for these positions)

  8. Sunday Meeting Themes 🎭

  9. Little Things that make a BIG DIFFERENCE - Link Customer List, Tips on Payment Plans, Off Track Intervention -, Working with FYs, Sunday Reset Self PC, How to help FYs work Turf Effectively - Video , and Step by Step Audit, Helping SLs with Coaching Calls, Effective Coaching for PCs & Calls