Delivery to Carol 🫤


How to WORK OUT A WAY: If she doesn’t have the money, assume she’s “Carol Caught‐Short” and say:

“Did I catch you a little short?”

If she says, “Yes”

Say, “How much do you have today?”

Then do one of these two things:

  1. Make sure you get some money and then get her to give you a check to hold until Friday for the balance. (Make sure this is before you leave turf, you can leave books if this is the case.)

  2. Get some money and then make an appointment to return for the balance. (Don’t leave the products). Tell her you can only come back one more time, so make sure you have her promise she’ll either be home or leave a note for you and the money with a neighbor. Be polite—“Carol Caught‐Short” will come through if you’ll get some money the first trip and give her the benefit of the doubt.

Note: If the customer says she can’t pay for the books, or if she gives a objection, then she is a “Betty Backout” and you should calmly go to the C.R.E.W. METHOD.