Delivery to Betty 🏆

Attitude is Everything!

C.R.E.W. Method Video 🎬

Have a proper attitude toward Bettys and she’ll come around!

Use the C.R.E.W. Method

C - Calm Her Down

When Betty raises an objection, it is crucial to slow down and address her concerns thoughtfully. Handle objections just as you did when she initially purchased the products. Maintain control over your emotions; losing control benefits no one. After listening attentively, respond calmly and courteously:

"Betty, I understand how you feel. Is there anything else bothering you?"

Wait for her response before continuing.

If her concern is singular, reassure her by saying,

"If that’s the only issue, we can resolve it."

R - Resell the Products

Reassure Betty of your commitment by saying,

"Betty, I promised to demonstrate the products to everyone again. Let's gather everyone so I can fulfill my promise, regardless of how we resolve the issue. I’ve been looking forward to seeing everyone again."

Once everyone is together, resell the products using names and testimonials from satisfied customers. Apply all the sales techniques you learned over the summer.

If Betty objects to the books themselves, address her concerns by referring to the books, just as you did earlier in the summer. If she objects to taking the book, refer to the "Answers to Delivery Objections" section. Should she refuse to take the books outright, explain your situation clearly.

E - Explain Your Situation

Politely say,

"Betty, I understand your situation. Would it be okay if I explained mine? The company charged the books to my account and shipped them from Nashville. I covered the freight costs and kept all my promises, including sending you a postcard and ordering the books. Many customers, like Sally Smith, Jane Jones, and Susie Arnette, have been thrilled with their books."

If Betty still objects, address her concerns and reiterate your situation. If she remains uncertain, proceed to "Work Out a Way."

W - Work Out a Way

Show Betty that you’re on her side by saying,

"Betty, I’m here to help you find a way to pay for your books. Let's explore some options."

Suggest third-party solutions, such as holding a check until Friday, borrowing from a neighbor, using savings, or getting a cash advance from a credit card. Use testimonials to illustrate how others managed to pay. If full payment isn't possible, suggest a partial payment now and the remainder later. Ensure you collect some money, then arrange a specific callback time to collect the balance. Be clear that you can only return once more. Mark this time on the delivery chart and ensure Betty notes it on her calendar.

Remain persistently pleasant and composed, regardless of the situation.

If Betty becomes hostile, calmly say,

"Betty, I’m sorry this is upsetting. Surely we can work something out. One lady suggested..." and offer a solution.

General Answers to Objections During Deliveries