
Pre Deliveries

Inventory Check Before Ordering Books 📚

EVERYONE completes this regardless of selling 2 more weeks or 6 more weeks!

Saturday night make sure to do an in-depth inventory check on what books your org already has on the field.

First, make sure ALL TRANSFERS are approved so your inventory is accurately showing on your account.

Example below, inventory is negative (-), so there are transfers that have not yet been approved.

Second, see where there may be a surplus of inventory on specific titles.

  • A lot of your SLs have waaaaay more books than they need and will end up driving a U-HAUL full back to Nashville if it’s not caught BEFORE your org places final book orders this Sunday!!!

    Enter how many weeks are left of selling.

Anything with a zero in the “Items Needed” column, they should check and see what they’ve sold the past 10 weeks, calculate what they’ll realistically sell in the next 2-4 weeks.

Notice if there’s anything they have a lot extra of that they can transfer NOW to someone in the org who needs it BEFORE that person turns in an order to the warehouse. 

Here’s an example of someone who has A LOT of extra inventory…

Take a look at Math - they’ve sold 99 + 6 + 1 = 106 over the last 10 weeks ~ 10.6 / week

This person has 4 weeks left, so they might sell an additional 40-45 Math, but they have 82 in inventory. They have 30-40 Math Books they could transfer to someone in their org.

Once all SLs and FYs have their numbers of surplus titles or titles each person needs, keep a list of each be strategic on ordering for your org.

Have them transfer NOW whatever another person needs and get it entered in the system [ DO AN ONLINE TRANSFER ] so the system correctly adjusts what the other student still needs to order.  Then, they can deliver on-the-spot the next 2 weeks!  SLs ideally transferring to their own roommates so there’s less moving boxes. 

  • Walkers should transfer anything they need from SLs/roommates since they can’t meet a truck for a shipment. But likely ALL your FYs will be able to just transfer books from SLs in your org. 

Note: Delivery Charges with Books Already On the Field

  • They SHOULD CHARGE SHIPPING on the transfers they do before deliveries because it’s saving someone else the shipping costs they would’ve incurred.  However, AFTER DELIVERIES are done when someone is headed to Nashville and transfers extra inventory to others, they absolutely should NOT CHANGE SHIPPING when someone takes extra inventory off their hands.


📅 Scheduling Deliveries For Your Org

Create a chart for your Org’s Deliveries. This will help you keep track of how many delivery days each person in your org has, how many on each day, and when they’ll be doing their clean up day and leaving for caravan purposes.

This is also a great way to track of any deliveries needing to be done for other people. If you have any early leavers in your org, you’ll want to make sure their books get delivered as well. You can create a plan via this delivery chart to help with that and add to other’s delivery days.

This Sunday your orgs need to schedule deliveries and order books, so it’s essential they meet with you beforehand to know what days they’re delivering and how many to schedule per day.

How to Use:

  • Fill in Delivery date, #delivering each day, when in Nashville for EVERYONE as you meet with them, including SLs and YOU. Notice abbreviations on the chart: S for Selling day, R for Rest, etc.

  • LOOK AT THEIR ROS WITH THEM. You can see how many yellows they have and advise on calls that need to be made NOW. While in ROS, click on “Summary” at the top.  

Here you are able to see cancellations, payments still processing, and when the payments are scheduled for.

This person has 10 cancellations and 29 alerts. The alerts are customer service notes &/or bad payments to take care of before deliveries start.

Please help them be in the details and make smart decisions about who they will be delivering to.

Below is an example. 👇

Here ☝️, under Scheduled Payments, you’ll see a whole list of scheduled payments with the date, customer, phone, and email!

Some Check In Details ✔️

DIFFERENT THIS YEAR: Keep in mind previous years we allow 1.5-2 weeks for deliveries and Nashville check-in. 

This year since nearly all our SLs and a lot of FYs have been delivering on the spot, they should have way fewer deliveries.  Like a lot of SLs have less than 30 total, and most org’s FYs have less than 60.

So, here’s a couple suggested schedules:

Talk to your DSL about what makes most sense for your org.

Keep in Mind: IWW Contest Dinner at your President, Dave Causer’s, house Tuesday night of Check In!

📅 Option 1: Leave for Nashville Mid Week

    • Delivery school on Sunday

      Those that have 60-70 to deliver should schedule 10 for Sunday after delivery school (and load their car Saturday night beforehand).  Their roommates can get groceries for them. 

      If someone has mostly strong orders in populated turf, it is very realistic to do 30 deliveries a day. 

      If someone has a lot of deliveries in the country or a lot of weak orders probably 20 max.

    • Deliver Monday & Tuesday. 

      Have everyone schedule MORE the 1st day so Tuesday they can also go back and catch the people that weren’t home (like if they have 40 customers to deliver, schedule 25 on Mon. and 15 on Tuesday). Wednesday pack up and head to Nashville (or your FYs with 70 customers will probably still deliver/clean up on Wed. and leave Thursday morning). 

      Most of your SLs have very few deliveries.  If they are on-schedule, they can sell an extra  1-3 days before heading to Nashville.  If someone is off-track and wouldn’t sell anything during those days anyway, they may be a good candidate to help a walker with deliveries.  Or being in Nashville by Tuesday so we’re not slammed Thursday at check-in.

    • Walkers have car/driver set up for deliveries? Or hire a FY who has few customers to drive them (eg $100/day plus gas)

    • A lot of SLs/FYs have BOUNCED PAYMENTS on books they've already delivered. They need to call/text those customers TODAY!!! And plan to swing by those houses on Sunday after delivery school to work out payments or pick up books if the customer can’t be reached by phone.

📅 Option 2: Get to Nashville Monday

    • Sell First part of week & Start Deliveries Mid-week

    • Follow same guidelines from above.

Early Leaver Deliveries:

Put EL's name and # of customers into the cells for the days the SL will be delivering them. Pick someone who will do a great job tacking on and ideally NOT charge the FY (so maybe their SL or roommate or a capable but off-track SL...their "pay" is tack-ons to those buyers and team pay).

Some Early Leavers have very few customers and they’ve paid in full,  their SL can work with FY today to dropship those customers and text them.  

Ironman Summers: Put them on delivery chart, too & share with them:

Anyone, SL or FY, that wants to be allowed to stay on the field longer must EARN it by being on schedule this next week. 


Get Organized Outline

This is the traditional “Get Organized” Sunday Meeting Outline. I’ve added the “Get Organized For Deliveries” link, but you can still follow this outline to help your org get ready for deliveries and cover your basis for your group.

If you’re in Dynasty, Virgie may be referring to this outline for “Get Organized Meeting”

As a reminder, it is CRITICAL that you plan ahead to get storage units organized, books ordered, and help them plan their deliveries so they can send delivery texts out to their customers.

The rest, they can do at delivery school.


Delivery School Resources

The intention of this page is to help you run your delivery school off of the page - it will look professional and have everything you need. There will be videos you can play OR even better have a top producer from your organization doing the demonstration live in front of your org.