delivery school


How Deliveries can Impact Your Summer

Being “Checked In” vs. “Checked Out”

Let’s Begin

Deliveries can be the greatest time of the summer. If you plan your deliveries properly, you can have fun selling and re‑selling products to your customers, and people you missed earlier from the summer.

Prepare yourself emotionally for having a great delivery by determining and accepting your situation as it is. Then get your attitude right for improving that situation right now!

We promised you would learn a tremendous amount about human nature and about selling this summer. Now is the time to apply those principles and test your ability to control your emotions and deal with people.

Delivery time is harvest time for a summer of hard work. Each day represents one or two weeks of selling. Being mentally and emotionally prepared for delivering is crucial.

During deliveries, you’ll meet three types of customers:

Click on each for 🎥




So, sell them on wanting to take the products and doing the right thing. Always be humble, calm and polite. But, be pleasantly persistent.

The Laws of the Harvest


How to Deliver To each Client

1.“Ethel Enthusiastic” 👩‍🦰

Click ☝️ for step-by-step instruction.

Assume Everyone is an “Ethel” until proven otherwise.


Step-by-Step: How to give a Great Demo! 📋

  1. Bring the Enthusiasm

  2. Delivery Checklist

  3. Get Everyone Involved

  4. Unveil the Products with Excitement

  5. Teach them How to Use their Products

  6. Emphasize Tips on How to Use Their Products

Important Note:

You may feel like you don’t want to do ALL these steps EVERY TIME you deliver. Know that these steps work! You may feel behind, you may feel like it’s not “working”, and you may feel like you’re running out of books. Know that you DO have time to give a GREAT delivery to each family you’ve served this summer.


2. “Carol Caught-short” 💰

Click ☝️ for step-by-step instruction.

3. “Betty Back-out”😵‍💫

CREW Method Video 🎬

Answers to Objections in Deliveries 📋


Important Note:

Try QUICKLY to go through the steps and work out a way.  If there’s no progress made in 15 minutes, move on and leave the family in a good place for the next person that knocks on their door in a couple years.

What To Do When They’re Not Home 🏠

If someone is NOT HOME when you try to deliver, try to catch them again later in the day and leave a note with your business card OR text them!

General Process

  1. First Round of Deliveries

  2. Second Round of Deliveries
    Conduct a second round of deliveries in the evening. If you’ve told them you’d be back make sure you make it. You want to keep your word!

  3. Next Day Follow-Up / Clean Up Day
    For customers who were not home and haven’t called you back, schedule them for your clean up day or swing by again when you’re near their street and leave a second note or send a follow-up text. Schedule these visits for early morning, late night.

  4. Final Steps for Paid and Unpaid Deliveries:
    If the customer is still not home and has paid in full, leave the books and send a text asking them to call you for instructions on how to use the resources.

    Direct them to the SouthwesternAdv YouTube channel for a helpful video on the Learning System.

    For customers with an outstanding balance who you still can’t reach, leave a message stating that you’re heading to Nashville but they can call you or customer service to have their books shipped out. A COD letter will also be sent from check-in. If there’s no response by October, ship them products equal to the amount they’ve already paid.

Important Reminder:

Please leave product equal to what a customer has paid. If you’ve exhausted your options and for whatever reason you’re not scheduling a payment and planning to drop ship, then leave product equal to what they’re paid. It’s the right thing to do and you’re providing a service.


Suggested Daily Schedule:

  • 6:59am Pop out of bed, cold shower, breakfast, stat call

  • 7:59–1:00 p.m Deliver and sell - get through everyone

  • 1:00–3:00 p.m Optional: cash checks as needed or keep delivering and selling

  • 3:00–6:00 p.m Sell to referrals and/or new customers

  • 6:00–10:00 p.m Second round

  • 10:00–10:30 p.m Reload Car

  • 10:30–11:00 p.m Drive home; Eat & Pack Lunch —Record Keeping

    Great self talk will be your best friend :)

Detailed Process: Go all the way through your first round of delivery calls and finish by approximately 1:00-2:00pm each day. At that time go to the bank and get all checks cashed and deposit into your account. During the morning, you should sell as you go. Go back through your sales rabbit and get good prospects. Between 3:00 and 6:00 every afternoon, you can go out and sell. You will sell a lot of books to people you were unable to see the first time. You’ll also have some referrals from customers who bought who recommended their friends to buy. You should be able to sell several books each day between 3:00 and 6:00, calling on these prime prospects. This should more than pay your expenses during deliveries.

Daily Checklist


Handling Your Money 💰

Click here ☝️ for how to handle your money during deliveries, payments that don’t go through, alerts on your account, and scheduling payments.


New Customers Every Day! ✅

This is your BEST TIME to help new families!

Referrals! ALL WEEK LONG!

People Who Almost Bought or Said to Drop By at the End of the Summer:

Check your sales rabbit for customers who almost bought. You’ll have a lot of momentum with your PR and all the photos during deliveries! People say no before they say yes! They’ll want to get in on the action.

People you Missed:

Find people on your gravy list you missed when you came by earlier. Use lots of names and testimonials. Cash these products out or let them order their books for delivery that Friday or Saturday. After they’ve agreed to order, go ahead and let them write a check for you to hold until Friday and then leave their products.

Earlier Cash-outs:

Drop by earlier cash-outs and say,

“Hi there, Ashley, remember me? I’m delivering books today to the rest of the families who ordered. How have you been? I wanted to pop back by and let you see something I forgot to show you—may I come in?”

Sell her products for gifts, to complete her set, damaged books for discounts, books that have down‐payments on them from someone who couldn’t take them or moved without a forwarding address and of course LEAD or Global Academy.


📚 = 💰

  1. Keep car & storage unit locked at ALL TIMES

  2. Take inventory tonight = clean starting point

    Make sure the # you have on hand = the number on Advantage4Dealers --> Manage Account --> Book Summary

  3. Keep all books separate from roommates (some exceptions apply)

  4. Do an inventory count every night

  5. If customer cannot pay for the whole order, leave with them product equal to what they paid.

  6. Keep track of titles you may need 2 days in advance. Be flexible.

    Someone may need your help and get a transfer from you and visa versa.

  7. To complete a Transfer - both dealers must be present. Fill out the appropriate transfer form on Advantage4Dealers; count books not cartons.

  8. Deliver any opened product to next family ⭐

  9. Keep your storage unit “maintained” see picture below 🙂

  10. Returning books for credit

    1. Best case: You take all books in your car to Nashville.

    2. If there are too many to fit in your car, you’ll need to make plans to get them back to Nashville. Make sure your name and account number are on each carton. Ship the books back following the instructions in your Selling 101, pack your books yourself to avoid damages. Only ship FULL cartons - don’t mix titles. DO NOT return books for someone else. This gets messy very fast.


Safety 🚘

Your car will have an extra 700-1000 lbs which will cause it to handle MUCH differently than you’re used to. It will be HARDER to slow down, HARDER to stop, and HARDER to take turns. SLOW DOWN.

Do not stack books above your seat. We don’t want them flying into the front as you stop or slow down. Use caution!

Getting organized tonight

Post on Your Facebook Page 📱

Post to FB to Start Deliveries 🎥

Post to families & Add Photos or the Video Above!

‼️Watertown families, ‼️

I have loved meeting thousands of you, and being able to help over 250 of you with various educational resources. 😊

👉🏼CLIENTS: this week I will be delivering everyone’s products.

You should have received a text letting you know the day I will be coming to you.

Please shoot me a message if there’s a time range best to catch you on that day.

👉🏼If you haven’t seen what everyone’s been getting yet and want to, shoot me a private message.


What You’ll Need At Each House 🏠

Delivery Box - you should have your tablet, slicks, products ordered, and new products to tack on.

Info you Need to know:

  1. Names and grades of children

  2. What products were ordered

  3. Total Price

  4. Payments Made So Far

  5. Balance Owed

  6. Print: Sorry I Missed You or Text

If you print your Delivery Chart - Leave it in your car

  • You don’t want to lose/forget this in Mrs. Jones house.

  • You don’t want Mrs. Jones to see “Betty Backouts” or rescheduled deliveries.

Use Sales Rabbit to navigate your deliveries


looking ahead… 🏙️

Before you Leave for Nashville

  • Your Host Family

    1. Take a picture with your Host Family! 📷

    2. Make sure they are ALL paid. 🏡

    3. Tell your host family thank you with a card, gift, or dinner. 💐 ✉️

    4. Hire a cleaner for your host family! 🫧

    5. Collect Testimonial & Feedback Form from your Host Family (see below)

  • Remit Online

    • See the “How to” - There will not be a place to remit a physical check at check in. Take the time to remit online so it hits your account.

    • Leave ~ $200-300 in your bank account to cover any bounced checks / fees


“Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us.”
— Earl Nightingale