Carols & Bettys


The majority of your customers will have the money and will be excited to see you. But, a simple study of human nature says there will be others who will not be as excited about seeing you.


The Philosophy

There are two characteristics of human nature that are absolutely predictable:

1. People tend to change their minds.

What are some examples of this that we’ve been exposed to already this summer?

  • You’ve learned that people don’t always mean what they say or say what they mean. That will happen all week this week. What they say “the first time” isn’t always the whole story. That is right, humans have a tendency to change their minds.

  • The real reason, though, people who have changed their minds have actually forgotten what originally attracted them to the products.

  • Think of all that has happened to Mrs. Jones in the weeks since your first visit. Fortunately there is a very simple solution to this first problem and that is to sit down and give a good demonstration emphasizing the important features. In fact, there isn’t any better advice on how to deliver the “tough ones” than being mentally disciplined enough to force yourself to sit down and give a good demo.

2. People dislike facing their obligations.

  • People hate to make deadlines, hate to pay bills. Does that remind you of anyone?

  • The fact of the matter is that Mrs. Jones might be used to being able to “hold off” a phone or light bill or whatever for a couple of weeks and subconsciously she is going to think that will work with this, too. Somehow she thinks if she just ignores it you might not show up. If people say things like,

    “When will you be back through here again?” or “Do you have an address that we can send you the money as soon as we get it?” that is a manifestation of this second peculiarity of human nature. Remember, you have done everything you said you would—show up as scheduled.