Convey Trust, Not Suspicion: If a customer offers a suggestion that might seem disagreeable, such as “Where can we send you the money?”, respond positively. For example, you could say, “That would be a great idea if I were attending college nearby. Unfortunately, I need to finalize all my business before returning to school, and I am leaving Saturday night.”

Answers to Delivery Objections 😎

  1. “My husband won’t let me take them.”
    If the customer remains resistant after you’ve re-sold the book, schedule an appointment to speak with her husband. Gather as much information as possible beforehand and set a definite appointment. Most husbands will accept the books after seeing a good demonstration and understanding your situation.

  2. “Can’t you sell them to somebody else?”
    Respond with: “Betty, I am currently completing my deliveries. I’ve been out here all summer and it’s time for me to return to school. Let’s find a solution together.”

  3. “Can’t you send them back to the Company?”
    Reply: “Betty, I ordered these specifically for you, charged them to my account, and covered the shipping costs. Let’s work something out.”

  4. “I called and cancelled.”

    This may happen and you don’t have a note about it…

    A few things could have happened:

    • She thought about canceling, but never sent in her notice.

    • She sent in her notice after the three‐day period allowed.

    • She cancelled within three days, but did not send enough information for the Company to send her a refund. The Company might be in the process of corresponding with her.

    ➡️ Proceed with the CREW Method!

If They Leave a Note 🗒️

Sometimes a customer will leave a note saying they cannot accept the products. Disregard the note, knock on the door, and attempt to deliver the products.

If they are not home, leave the note intact and return that evening. Most times, you will successfully deliver the product even when a note is left. If the customer asks, “Didn’t you receive my note?”, simply nod and proceed with the delivery.

When & How to Schedule Callbacks 🔙

  • Schedule Callbacks on Definite Commitments: Only return based on firm commitments. Do not rely on vague promises like “Stop back by Friday and we’ll see what we can do.”

    • Secure a minimum payment of at least 25% of the balance. If full payment is not made upon your return, you can leave a partial set or a discounted damaged book. For example, if they suggest, “Come back Friday and I’ll give you the rest,” respond with: “Mrs. Jones, I was supposed to deliver the books and collect the full amount today. I have 90 other deliveries this week.”

  • Leave Some Flexibility: Avoid giving exact times like “I’ll be back between 6:42 and 6:43 on Friday.” Instead, say, “I have many deliveries to make between here and Woodbine. I will aim to be back between 6 and 8 p.m.”

  • Document Immediately: Once back in your car, immediately record the callback information.

4 Ways to Obtain Payment 💸

  1. Cash/Credit Card/Check

  2. Combination the above for the total balance owed

  3. Credit Card Advance — Cash Advance on a Check

  4. Family or Friends

How to Handle It If They Won’t Come Through ❌

  • Know When to Move On: If you’ve spent 20 minutes and exhausted all options without progress, it’s time to move on. Your time is better spent on referrals or demonstrating a new product to potential customers.

  • Leave on a Positive Note: Even if the sale doesn’t go through, don’t alienate the customer. Say something like, “Mrs. Jones, I’m truly sorry we couldn’t work something out. I appreciate your interest in our product and hope Billy and Susie have a successful school year. Maybe we can do business another time.”

  • Maintain a Positive Attitude: Keep a positive mindset. Remind yourself, “This just means one more sale down the road.” Challenge yourself to replace every lost sale with a new one.