Before you leave for Nashville 🚘

  1. Check with OL or designated deliveries stat person to see if you should transfer books to someone before you leave.

  2. Host Family Details

    1. Is your host family paid?

    2. Is your host family thanked?! Get them a farewell & thank you gift.

    3. Get a picture with your host family! 📷

    4. Get the testimonial page from your host family

    5. HQ cleaned by a professional 🫧

      1. (no matter how great a job you THINK you’re doing, they’ll do it better... and your host family will appreciate it SO much.)

      2. This is the #1 reason host families will NOT host again. Split the cost with your roommates ~ $150-300

  3. Storage unit cleaned out & boxes discarded in a public recycling area (not private)

  4. Address change with bank and post office! 

  5. All transfers entered on advantage4dealers & both parties approved

    1. Do not just “borrow” books

    2. Do all transfers immediately

  6. Do you need to pick up any books from customers that canceled?

  7. For books you’re taking home as a gift or you’ve given away as a gift - enter it in ROS with a $0 payment.

Read “Check-in Prep” before heading to Nashville & Follow ALL Steps

Note: SWA is not open on week-ends or Labor Day! 

Important Note: Hotels are NOT set up in advance; share an Airbnb/hotel (try “Express Deals”) with book-people.